Copyright page

Informationen and disclosure as per §5 (1) ECG, § 25 MedienG, § 63 GewO und § 14 UGB

Responsible for website: Karl Posch

Address: Sport Consult – Karl Posch, Wirtsweg, 16, 4824 Gosau

UID-Nr: ATU 71102816
Trade Supervisory Authority Bezirkshauptmannschaft Gmunden
Memberships: Member at WKOÖ

contact details:
Telephone: +43 (660) 4113091
Fax: +43 (810) 9554178040

Legal regulation:
Profession: Sports management

Online settlement of a dispute

Consumers, who live in Austria or in another contract country of the ODR-VO, have the possibility to solve problems with a financial purchase of products and services within the online settlement of dispute (OS, AStG). The European Union provides a platform for this:


The content of this website, if possible, are subject to different protection laws (for ex. copyright law), Each and every distribution of material, which is protected by copyright law, must be subject to written consent by the website owner.

Exclusion of liability

Desipte thorough checks of content, the website owner does not accept liability for the content of external links. For the content linked websites only their owners are resposible. If you still notice links that lead to websites with illegal content, please report this as per § 17 Abs. 2 ECG in order to remove these links instantly.
The copyright of third parties are thoroughly taken care of by the owner of this website. If you still notice a copyright violation, please report this to us. We will remove this content instantly if violations occured.

Source: Impressum Generator